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Is Halal Vegetarian?

Is Halal Vegetarian?

You may probably consider a vegetarian diet to be 100 % halal because they do not consume products obtained from animals.

However, looking deeper into the vegetarian practice and the Islamic teachings on the subject of haram and halal foods might raise a bit of doubt.

In this article, we'll discuss the vegetarian practice and how it may be haram or halal.

Quick Answer: Is halal vegetarian? Yes and No! Read on to understand the school of thought behind these answers.

What is Vegetarianism?

Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from eating meat or fish, usually for moral, religious, or health reasons.

Vegetarians do not eat slaughtered animals or their byproducts. Also, they don't consume any items prepared with slaughtering processing aids.

Vegetarianism is often embraced for various reasons based on the different individuals in question. 

Many individuals are against eating meat because they appreciate animal life. 

Such ethical considerations have been established in many religious systems and animal rights campaigning. 

This manner of eating is, however, not permanently restricted. 

Some people who eat only plant-based diets may consume modest amounts of meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, and dairy products.

While avoiding animal products, dietary supplements, such as our vegetarian multivitamins, may be required to prevent nutritional deficiency.

Types of Vegetarianism

Let's discuss the three types of vegetarian practices.

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians

A Lacto-Ovo vegetarian diet consists of eggs and dairy products but excludes meat, poultry, and fish.

"Lacto" and "ovo" are generic terms for milk and eggs, respectively. 

Similarly, someone may decide to eat a Lacto-vegetarian diet, which excludes eggs but includes milk.

People may choose a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet for ethical grounds, such as animal rights or environmental protection. 

Others adopt the diet for health or religious reasons or just because it is their personal preference.

Many vegetarians consume eggs, milk, and honey since farmers do not slaughter animals to collect them. 

However, some vegans may claim that the dairy and egg industries entail killing or animal cruelty, and honey production exploits bees.


Ovo-vegetarianism is a kind of vegetarianism in which eggs are permitted, but dairy products are denied. 

Those who practice ovo-vegetarianism are called ovo-vegetarians. 

The term "ovo" is derived from the Latin word meaning egg.

Ethical reasons for avoiding dairy products arise from concerns about the industrial methods involved in milk production. 

Concerns include keeping a female cow pregnant constantly for her to milk and the slaughter of undesirable male calves. 

Another cause of worry is the common practice of removing the mother from her calf and depriving the calf of its natural source of milk. 

This is in direct contrast to the industrial processes around egg-laying chickens, who lay eggs for human use without being fertilised. 

Ovo-vegetarians frequently prefer free-range eggs, which are produced by uncaged chickens.


The Lacto-vegetarian diet is a diet that does not include meat, poultry, shellfish, or eggs. Unlike several other vegetarian diets, it allows for the consumption of dairy products such as yoghurt, cheese, and milk. 

People frequently embrace a Lacto-vegetarian diet on environmental or ethical grounds.

Vegetarian meal

What is Veganism?

In addition to avoiding meat, Veganism eliminates dairy products, eggs, and honey. 

Furthermore, vegan foods never include animal agricultural byproducts such as lard, whey, or gelatin.

Types Veganism

Here are the two categories of the Vegan practice

Dietary Vegans

A dietary vegan is simply someone who follows a plant-based diet, which means they do not knowingly eat food or drink anything that contains animal products or (typically) was produced using animal products. 

Dietary vegans are not required to avoid non-food things or services involving animals or animal products and services that exploit or have been tested on animals.

A vegan would not consume meat, fish, dairy products, honey, or anything else that contains even insects (such as food colouring E120, also known as cochineal or carmine, which is made from crushed scale insects). 

However, a dietary vegan would not necessarily refrain from wearing leather or wool or buying cosmetics or home products tested on animals. 

They may have no objections to visiting zoos, circuses involving animals, or sporting activities such as horse racing, greyhound racing, or dog shows.

Ethical Veganism

An ethical vegan is someone who not only follows a plant-based diet but also extends the idea into other aspects of their life, opposes the use of animals for any purpose, and works to protect all living things, including people, from cruelty and exploitation. 

Another name for this is "environmental veganism," which is the avoidance of animal products based on the belief that industrial animal raising is ecologically destructive and unsustainable.

Ethical veganism involves avoiding all types of animal exploitation and cruelty for food, clothing, or any other reason.

This means that ethical vegans would aim to avoid all things that have been tested on animals in addition to avoiding eating anything made from animals (such as leather, silk, and wool).

According to research, vegetarian and vegan diets are usually low in saturated fat and cholesterol, making them perfect for healthy living.

They are also high in vitamins, minerals, fibre, and other plant components.

Vegetarianism VS Veganism

According to studies, both vegetarian and vegan diets may be regarded as acceptable for all phases of life if well planned.

Vegans and vegetarians commonly do not consume meat. 

While vegetarians consume dairy and eggs, vegans forgo all animal products, including eggs and dairy, and several inedible animal-based goods such as leather, wool, and silk. 

Vegetarianism is often a diet, whereas veganism is a way of life. 

Vegetarians frequently select their diet for religious or political reasons, as well as for stated health benefits. 

Vegans have far stronger political opinions about their food in general, with some feeling that animals should be protected under many of the same laws that people are.

Nonetheless, vegetarians and vegans should pay special attention to nutrition strategies to increase nutrient absorption from plant foods.

An insufficient intake of nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and vitamins D and B12 can negatively impact mental and physical health.

Both vegetarians and vegans may have lower intakes of these nutrients. However, studies show that vegetarians consume slightly more calcium and vitamin B12 than vegans.

It may, therefore, be necessary to take fortified foods and supplements, especially for nutrients such as iron, calcium, omega-3, and multivitamins.

Is halal vegetarian?

Halal is considered not vegetarian due to these factors;

Decision making

The main difference between the Halal diet of Muslims and vegetarianism is the source of the dietary decision. 

Humans make the majority of vegetarian decisions due to health considerations or ethical objections to eating animals, while Muslims follow the teaching of the prophet.

Meat consumption

Unlike most vegetarians, Muslims are permitted to consume meat from some animals as long as they are slaughtered with the consent of God by using specific words according to the guidelines established by God's messenger.


Alcohol is a significant ingredient in the diet of vegetarians that is considered haram. 

It is commonly found in salad dressings, sauces, and vanilla flavouring. 

Wine is also an ingredient in many vegetarian dishes. Some scholars argue that even trace amounts of alcohol are prohibited for Muslims. Therefore, halal is not vegetarian.


Vegetarian diets are mostly considered to be Halal. However, there are a few exceptions, like very few additives such as vanilla extract that might render foods Haram.

However, even though vanilla extract contains a trace of alcohol, some scholars argue that it is Halal. This decision, therefore, depends on your understanding of Islamic law.


The diets of vegetarians contain some food substances prohibited by Islamic law. Therefore, halal is not vegetarian.