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Understanding Halal to Haram Ratio

Understanding Halal to Haram Ratio

Halal is an Arabic term that means “lawful” or “allowed”. It is a broad phrase that encompasses what is permissible under Islam. Contrary to this, Haram is an Arabic term which means forbidden or unlawful. In concept, the Halal to Haram ratio allows one to know how Islamic they are based on a scale of 0 to 100 %. 

At the same time, this isn't an official scale but rather a way to define one’s faults or one's virtues. Most Muslims know that there is no accurate barometer of “haram-ness” in Islam. Each transgression has the same penalty. If anything is haram, it just is and there is no justification for it. The same is true for halal products. It is even stated hat apart from the Prophet and the angels, no one can be completely Halal.

Halal to Haram Ratio in Food

As mentioned above, in Islam, Halal and Haram are Islamic ethical-legal evaluative notions that apply to human relationships and other species in the natural world. Whenever related to minerals, plants, or animals, it pertains to what is allowed to consume or drink from them under Islamic law. Hence, herein Halal refers to what is permitted and legal to consume, use, or engage with under Islamic Sharia. 

People often wonder whether consuming vitamin supplements is halal or not. Well, supplements from some reputed stores are halal and safe to consume. Visit here to find answers to all commonly asked questions.

Halal’s antonym is haram, which refers to what is forbidden or illegal. For example, Halal food is food that complies with Islamic law as outlined in the Koran. The Islamic method of butchering animals entails severing the jugular vein and windpipe. 

The animals ought to be alive and healthy when slaughtered, and all blood must constantly be drained from the carcass. In comparison, we shall note that Islam considers Pork as Haram food. You can check Chewwies to see if your Halal food preferences are up for grabs. 

Halal to Haram Ratio in Dating

In the 21st century, dating has become a relatively common phenomenon among the youngsters of the population. Regarding Muslims, we all know that dating comes with several challenges balancing Halal and Haram. For young Muslim couples, dating is a typical concept that requires them to strike a balance between their religious beliefs and their desire for emotional closeness. 

Regardless of how harmless the connection may be, the term “dating” nevertheless elicits an unfavourable connotation for many Muslims, particularly older ones. Dating still has ties to its Western origins, which suggests underlying, if not blatant, early sex desires that are particularly forbidden by Islamic texts. However, Islam allows the development of feelings of love. 

Some Muslim couples follow the concept of “halal dating”. These couples contend that by including the permissibility element, i.e., the Islamic term “Halal”, they are dispelling the notion that anything haram, or forbidden, like premarital sex, is taking place in the relationship. 

On the other hand, some couples disagree with referring to dating as halal since they think there should not be any shame associated with it. In this concern, one of our Muslim couple readers shared that they are dating with the hope of getting married, so naturally, it is okay to indulge in premarital sex. 

On another end, arguments also come from young adults that believe people tend to assume that dating naturally includes touching each other physically or being intimate with one another; however, that is not always the case because each person and each couple has the right to decide how they want to interact or engage with one another.

Halal and Haram

Halal to Haram Ratio in Lifestyle 

Although the term “halal” may appear to only refer to food or dietary products, Muslims are expected to live by this idea. Halal extends beyond food and denotes legality, cleanliness, honesty, and self-control. 

Therefore, for practising Muslims, everything falls under the definition of halal, from the source of wealth to relationships, and is necessarily a lifestyle decision for them. Hence, the phrase “halal lifestyle” was created, and it is a notion that emphasises a way of living that prioritizes and upholds all of Islam’s precepts. 

According to Sharia law, the Halal lifestyle includes dressing suitably, participating in halal social activities, engaging in halal employment, and leading a halal life. For example, for Muslims, drinking alcohol or including alcohol in their daily lifestyle is a Haram lifestyle altogether.  

Another example is Halal Tourism – which is characterised as a sector of the travel and hospitality industry that does not use or prepare non-halal products and whose offerings must adhere to Islamic Sharia. Consequently, the development and use of the halal concept in the hospitality and tourism sectors must adhere to the rules established by Sharia. These rules may include avoidance of preparation and supply of alcoholic beverages and only halal food should be prepared. 

For a Halal Muslim – finding Halal food is a tough gamble altogether. In our own experience during business travels, we have found several Halal food items in the pantry and restaurant that have made our travel experience Halal compliant. 

For example, find out if shrimp, mozzarella, or tuna are halal. You can also find out about halal calculator and how to calculate the halal index. 

Further, rules also state that the employees should be Muslims in the concerned hospitality establishment, courteous entertainment should be provided along with taking care of any money concerns, particularly those involving visitors, forbiddance of men and women who are not married from being in the same room, providing separate swimming pools for different genders, and appropriate dressing of women by Islamic principles. 

Further, each room must have a sign indicating the direction of prayer (qiblah) and a musholla shall be done.


The entire concept of Halal and Haram helps uplift the essence of Islam, a faith that promotes goodness and ease. So, it is best to approach our Islamic religious commitments with an open mind. By understanding the Halam and Haram ratio – we are only understanding our faith in a better manner and learning good values.