Iron - the carrier of blood and oxygen and one of the most important components that form the vitals - yet, about 18% of the global population suffers from chronic iron deficiency and anemia. Iron is a vital mineral in everyone's body, and it is the determinant of the concentration and amount of blood that flows in your body and, thus, the oxygen levels. A deficiency of iron in severe amounts can cause anemia, which refers to a lack of protein in RBCs to facilitate the transportation of oxygen in your blood.
One can only imagine what happens when oxygen flow is chronically reduced, considering all bodily functions are possible only through oxygen. This deficiency can cause a variety of symptoms that depend on severity, rapidness, age, and previous health conditions. In this article, you will learn certain natural body responses and symptoms that indicate iron deficiency and how multivitamins can help:
Unreasonable Fatigue
You should reconsider your nutritional intake if you have been feeling unreasonably tired frequently. While it is a common symptom of anemia, it is complicated to differentiate the condition based on just fatigue. As people's lives become more busy and urbanized, it is common to feel tired even with enough iron. Diagnosing anemia based on tiredness alone is inaccurate. But why do people feel fatigued if no iron is in the body?
Iron is responsible for manufacturing the hemoglobin protein, which traps oxygen and distributes it to the rest of the body through blood flow. This will enable other body parts, like the muscles and tissues, to receive oxygen for energy to carry out their bodily functions. A lack of iron will create a hemoglobin deficiency and prevent you from having oxygen-rich blood.
Your heart, the main circulatory organ of blood, will need to beat faster to transport oxygenated blood, causing weakness, irritation, and lack of concentration. Vitamin C-rich snacks can also increase bone strength and skin health, counter-negating weakness.
Pale Skin
Iron deficiency and anemia can also be seen through the tone of your skin. Pale skin, especially in the lower eye region, is a frequent symptom of anemia. Hemoglobin makes RBCs red, and since iron is responsible for the production of hemoglobin, the lack of iron usually translates to lesser red color in the RBCs. The lack of color in the RBCs is also reflected in the skin, as the skin is also a major organ that receives oxygenated blood.
The higher concentration of deoxygenated blood that the skin receives, the lesser warmth and color the body will have. This symptom may vary with children and adults, but the face, gums, lips, and nails are common areas where this paleness can be found.
Another major vitamin that determines the skin's health is Vitamin C. Studies show how iron and vitamin C affect dental health and significantly benefit the skin. While pale skin is a symptom, it is often confirmed with comprehensive blood tests by a reliable doctor. One can do this at home by pulling down the lower eyelid and evaluating its color. A bright red indicates that you have oxygen-rich blood, but bluish-pink and yellow tones often indicate a lack of iron in the body.
Damaged Hair and Swollen Mouth
As mentioned earlier, oxygen is vital for providing energy to perform bodily functions. Without oxygen, muscles can't create energy. Thus, whenever you expend energy, even in the easiest tasks, your breathing rate increases to compensate for lost oxygen.
Altered dopamine function and varied estrogen levels attributed to low iron can cause headaches and increased heartbeat rate. The lack of oxygen in the blood will lower the amount of oxygen the hair cells will receive, thereby becoming dry and weak. One can effectively prevent this by regularly consuming iron and vitamin C gummies and eating more iron-rich foods like spinach, beetroot, pomegranate, etc.
Sometimes, your tongue swells and becomes tender due to iron deficiency and anemia. This can be seen in the lips and tongue, which feel bulged and inflamed. They may also be pale and smooth or dry and cracky. Dry mouth, sore tongue, and ulcers are common symptoms of anemia. A reliable multivitamin supplier can provide iron-rich supplements to prevent anemia.
Anemia can occur at any age, and there are multiple causes why iron deficiency might occur. Iron intake must be met through nutritional foods or reliable supplements. It can be caused by inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), pregnancy, heavy bleeding during menstruation, narcotic consumption, NSAID consumption, stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, and more. Autoimmune diseases, vitamin B12 deficiency, lead poisoning, alcohol consumption, and drug abuse are common causes. While the above symptoms are frequent in anemia cases, they are inconclusive and require an expert doctor's diagnosis.