For those of you who have a child that will pretty much eat anything that is put in front of them, well done! You are very much one of the lucky ones and enjoy the ease of meal planning that having a good eater brings.
For the rest of us, meal times can be a time of stress and a time for battle. Nutritionists may say that introducing a wide variety of foods early on will make for a child that will eat anything, but the reality of that remains debatable. And for those strong people who simply put a meal in front of their child and if they won’t eat it, they go hungry, whilst we admire your fortitude, for most of us, the thought of a starving child is enough to succumb to their fussy whims.
So just what are the foods that the majority of children like? Read on to find out just what is more likely to bring mealtime calm as well as full tummy success.
- Pizza
Children love the taste and ease of eating pizza. And as a parent, it comes with the advantage of having tomato and cheese already there before you even start to play with toppings. Vegetables, ham and pineapple and chicken are good for them and easily disguised in a pizza topping. Encourage them by making your own pizzas or buying the bases and making your own topping. Children are more likely to finish food they have had fun making.
- Wraps/Fajitas
It may well be that the making themselves element of wraps is what they love, as kids certainly seem to love them. Present colourful ingredients in bowls where they can choose for themselves, and you may well be surprised at what they take.
- Pasta
Most kids love pasta and when you buy a fun shape they will love it even more. If your child doesn’t go for tomato sauce, try cheese, or simply stir a little butter or fromage frais through with some chopped ham. Remember that getting them eating is better than an empty tummy.
- Fish Fingers
It is no coincidence that the fish finger is a staple in children’s food circles. With just enough flavour, kids will normally agree to a fish finger when all else fails. Serve with homemade potato wedges, peas and tartare sauce in order to increase the variety of textures and taste sensations.