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6 hours ago

The Benefits of Fresh Air

The Benefits of Fresh Air

Whilst we know that being outside helps to significantly reduce transmission of Covid-19, in both a pre- and post- Covid world, there were many other advantages that existed e about fresh air intake too. So as we prepare to head towards a sense of normality, and with us extremely likely to be spending as much time outdoors as we possibly can, just what are the health benefits of fresh air?

It may seem an obvious one, but after recent events, it is clear to see how being outside, whether exercising, relaxing or socialising, is hugely beneficial to mood and energy levels. Sunshine is a mood booster in itself but even without good weather, the briskness of breathing in air that isn’t stale or simply circulating indoors brings an addictive feeling of being alive. This can result in reduced anxiety, a calming of any feeling of being overwhelmed and renewed positivity. All this wakes up energy levels, so it is true to say that getting outside into fresh air brings an instant boost.

With the importance of good lung function very definitely on the current health agenda, being in fresh air is known to help clear the lungs. Pure fresh air away from polluted atmospheres can increase space in the airways and help remove irritants. And with a good dose of fresh air boosting the immune system, being outside has some serious health benefits.

One benefit that maybe isn’t as well known is the fact that fresh air aids digestion. Being relaxed means the gut performs in an optimum state whereas stress can play havoc with both our eating habits and digestive health. A few deep and purposeful breaths focuses the mind on more positive factors and can also help take the mind away from the temptation to grab for unhealthy snacks.

Always remember that for those who are unable to easily get outside or access outdoor space, opening a window helps bring the outdoors in and by circulating and freshening the air inside, this can bring positive benefits too.