So, you’ve scoured the Internet for trampolines, been on enough bike and scooter rides to mean it is starting to lose its appeal to even the most energetic child and even play sand is impossible to find despite your numerous Facebook posts asking where you can buy it from.
Just what can you do next that is relevant and keeps the children entertained?
Luckily, lockdown has arrived at a time of year when planting seeds is timed to perfection. And with a resurgence in the popularity of ‘growing your own’, whether you own a garden or not, watching something grow from a tiny seed is a positive experience. Even if seeds are hard to come by in the shops, a quick search on the Internet will show innovative ideas on what to grow from vegetable cuts and more.
With a large focus on raising money for charity and generally sharing and caring with others, the ‘we are all in this together’ vibe has never been more meaningful. Keeping your children involved in what is going on is important to their mental health and well-being so why not get them to sort out books and toys that they no longer need and encourage them to share with the wider community. Leave a table outside for safe distance collection and perhaps a donation box so they can see the value in doing what they are doing. Even watching people taking and donating from the window is an exciting pastime and a great learning experience.
For those in isolation and the elderly with no one else to talk to, receiving a home-made card can be a wonderful boost. Despite the current situation, children remain the future and are a sign of positivity to all. There is perhaps nothing more authentic and heart-warming in these times than this simple gesture that costs nothing but means everything.