Are you struggling to get your children out and about and moving? Do you feel they would benefit from a lot more exercise?
Well it may be magic, but there is just something about children and a set of wheels that makes them want to get in to the fresh air and rolling.
They were huge news around a decade ago but then the craze moved on, but now ‘heelying’ is an activity that the cool kids do.
One of the main advantages of Heelys is that they are perfectly functional as a pair of shoes, and manage to look stylish and not over clumpy despite the wheels in the heel. This means that you can walk in them, and then wheel on them as you choose.
They are also generally safer than the roller skate and great for beginners, giving them a feeling of stability whilst building up confidence.
And when the kids are refusing to go on that long family walk, a pair of Heelys can be an invaluable tool with which to compromise!
The Scooter
Oh, how the scooter has come of age over the last twenty years.
Since the collapsible and streamlined version came into existence, it has revolutionised how children get about and is now so cool that it is seen as an extreme sport on a par with skateboarding.
Its design makes it easy to manoeuvre and the small wheels help with turning corners far better than the scooters of the past. Even better, it is extremely portable and as well as being a breeze to throw into the car for holidays and days out, is lightweight to carry, ideal if they get bored or if you are on a shopping trip. Result!
Wiggle car
This wonderful little item uses the power of the children to make the ride-on move. By them simply turning the handle backwards and forwards, the ride-on moves without the use of the legs to propel. And even better, it can even go up small slopes!
The item is sturdy but lightweight, and certainly grabs the attention of admirers wherever you go with its bright colours and different mode of getting it moving.
The bike
As if it wasn’t popular enough already, the recent Olympics and British success made it even cooler to get on your bike. Since then, the arrival of the Tour De France and the Tour De Yorkshire has made it even more popular if that was possible.
A great family activity and perfect for getting fit, bikes come in all shapes and sizes, with the vintage look very much in style at the moment.
And even if your child is too young to participate in the physical effort of cycling, there are many gadgets that enable them to ride with you in a seat, meaning there is something for everybody.